Medical and health care services

All persons covered by compulsory health insurance (CHI) are entitled to receive treatment and health  care services at no additional cost. All treatment and health care services are reimbursed by the health insurance funds from the budget of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF).

In order to receive health care services paid for from the CHIF, it is necessary to pay CHI contributions, be insured and apply to a medical institution that has a contract with the territorial health insurance fund. Each insured person is free to choose a polyclinic, medical centre or family doctor's office that provides treatment and health care services reimbursable from the CHIF. The patient must enrol in the primary care facility of their choice. And the medical institution must provide all patients with detailed information about the services paid for with CHIF funds and publish such information in a visible place – at the reception, on the bulletin board and on the website, such information must state which medical services are paid for by the health insurance funds.

Last updated: 27-05-2024