The expenses of the insured person for cross-border health care are compensated in the scope and in the procedure applicable for compensation of certain health care expenses in the Republic of Lithuania. The compensated amount cannot exceed factual expenses of the insured person for cross-border health care.
The reimbursable amount is determined according to the appropriate procedure of compensation of healthcare services and/or medicines and/or medical aids and/or medical devices from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF), their reference prices and tariffs valid in the Republic of Lithuania at the time when cross-border healthcare was provided to the insured person.
The expenses of the insured person for cross-border health care are reimbursed if the health care services are provided in the country of medical treatment on the basis of the referral of the doctor from the Lithuanian healthcare institution that has an agreement with the THIF or according to a referral from a doctor of healthcare institution operating in the country of treatment, issued after the insured person received cross-border healthcare according to a doctor’s referral from healthcare institution of the Republic of Lithuania that concluded an agreement with the THIF for the provision of these services and the payment of their costs. Referral is not required if primary health care services are provided in the state of treatment.
The insured person or his/her representative has to submit the following documents to THIF not later than within 1 year after provision of cross-border healthcare:
1. A written application in the established form to reimburse the cross-border health care expenses;
2. Personal identity document showing it directly upon arrival at the THIF or its copy if sending documents by post;
3. Medical documents or their copies, including:
4. Financial documents or their copies (invoices, cash receipts, vouchers of cash income, etc.).
Upon receipt of the person’s application to reimburse the cost of cross-border healthcare and other necessary documents, it is checked whether the person was insured by the compulsory health insurance in Lithuania at the time when the cross-border healthcare was received.
If it is learnt that the person was insured with the compulsory health insurance and has submitted all the necessary documents, the application is forwarded to the commission responsible to make the decision on reimbursement of cross-border healthcare expenses.
The following expenses of the insured person for cross-border healthcare shall not be reimbursed from the CHIF budget: