In accordance with European Union law, persons covered by public health insurance in one of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area countries, Switzerland or the United Kingdom are entitled to receive necessary medical care or, in certain circumstances, planned medical treatment during their stay in another EU country. In addition, a person who is insured in one EU country but lives in another EU country is entitled to free healthcare in the country of residence. The state where the person is covered by social insurance is responsible for paying for these health care services.

Generally, in order to be able to benefit from these guarantees, the insured persons of the Republic of Lithuania need to have a document confirming their right to receive appropriate health care services. Entitlement to reimbursement of emergency medical care is confirmed by a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by the territorial health insurance funds (THIF).

If a person is sent to receive specific planned treatment services abroad, the National Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health issues a S2 document. The decision on its issuance is made by a special commission operating in the Ministry of Health.

If Lithuanian insured persons move to another EU country, but continue to work and pay social insurance contributions in Lithuania or receive a pension granted in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, THIF shall issue a S1 document.

In addition, an insured person who has a doctor's referral for a certain health care service may choose if he or she would like to apply for this healthcare service to a Lithuanian medical institution or receive cross-border healthcare in another European Union country at his or her own expense. If you choose to receive cross-border healthcare, the insured must apply to the THIF for reimbursement.

Last updated: 28-05-2024