Information about necessary healthcare available to European Health Insurance Card holders in Lithuania

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) holder can receive medical care provided by family doctors, (FDs) or specialists, hospital treatment and subsidized medicines prescribed for out-patient care.

EHIC holder can apply for medical care directly to a primary healthcare institution which has an agreement with the Territorial Health Insurance Fund – THIF (Teritorinė ligonių kasa). The EHIC as well as proof of identity must be provided to FD during your visit. The addresses of THIFs are listed below.

Visiting a FD is free of charge. If the FD considers it is necessary, then he/she will refer a patient to a specialist and this consultation will then be provided by the specialist free of charge too. The costs of treatment provided by private doctor who does not have an agreement with the THIF are not covered on the basis of EHIC.

Dental treatment services themselves are free of charge for patients under age 18 in primary care institutions which have signed agreements with the THIF. The costs of the material substances used for the dental treatment are not covered on the basis of EHIC. However, as most of the dentists work privately you will have to pay for the costs of treatment yourself.

EHIC holders are eligible to receive subsidised medicines for the out-patient treatment purposes. There is one reimbursement level for all subsidised medicines: 100% of reference price. Subsidized medicines can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. In order to get the prescribed medicine, the person must provide his/her EHIC and proof of identity in the pharmacy.

Admission to hospital takes place after referral by FD or specialist. In the case of an emergency the person can go directly to the hospital and provide his/her EHIC as well as proof of identity.

What should you do if you need healthcare services while temporarily visiting Lithuania?

  • Check if your EHIC is still valid;
  • Check if your health care service provider has a contract with THIF;
  • Present your valid EHIC and proof of your identity;
  • If you do not have an EHIC, ask the relevant institution in your home country to issue the Certificate provisionally replacing the EHIC;
  • If you do not have an EHIC and there is no possibility to get the Certificate provisionally replacing the EHIC, the doctor has right to charge you for your visit. Make sure you get a medical extract or doctor’s explanation form (list of the health care services received);
  • The THIFs do not reimburse the costs of healthcare services received during your temporary stay in Lithuania directly to the person as Lithuanian legislation does not provide for such reimbursement;
  • In order to get a refund of your expenses you should provide copies of medical documentation as well as document proving that you had covered the cost of healthcare services to the competent institution in your home country.
  • Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund

Ž. Liauksmino str. 6, 01101 Vilnius, Lithuania
Fax: +370 5 279 1424
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: + 370 5 232 2222

  • Kaunas Territorial Health Insurance Fund

Aukštaičių str. 10, 44147 Kaunas, Lithuania
Fax: +370 37 320636
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: + 370 5 232 2222

  • Klaipeda Territorial Health Insurance Fund

Pievų Tako str. 38, 92236 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Fax: +370 46 381481
E-mail: [email protected]
 Phone: + 370 5 232 2222

  • Siauliai Territorial Health Insurance Fund

Vilniaus str. 273, 76332 Šiauliai, Lithuania
Fax: (+370 41) 526528
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: + 370 5  232 2222

  • Panevezys Territorial Health Insurance Fund

Respublikos str. 66, 35158 Panevėžys, Lithuania
Fax: +370 45 583789
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: + 370 5 232 2222

Last updated: 28-05-2024