Reimbursement of expenses
If persons have paid for necessary healthcare provided in the European Union, European Economic Area countries, Switzerland or the United Kingdom (EU countries), they have possibility to apply to the Territorial Health Insurance Fund (THIF) for reimbursement of these costs.
In all cases, employee of the THIF will check whether the person has been covered by the compulsory health insurance when receiving necessary healthcare services. If you have been insured, you will have to fill in an application form to receive reimbursement for necessary medical care.
Insured persons have the right to choose one of the following methods of reimbursement:
- reimbursement according to the prices of the services applicable in the EU country where the healthcare was provided;
- reimbursement in accordance with the prices approved by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, not exceeding the actual costs of necessary medical assistance.
Together with the application form for reimbursement of the costs of necessary healthcare provided in the EU countries, the insured must submit to the THIF:
- his/her identity document,
- copies of medical documentation about the services provided abroad,
- financial documents confirming the fact of payment for healthcare services provided abroad.
If a person wishes to be reimbursed at the tariffs applicable in the EU country where the healthcare was provided, the THIF will send the request together with copies of the medical and financial documents to the public health insurance institution of the country where person has received the healthcare services. This insurance institution, after evaluating the submitted documents, will inform the THIF about the amount to be reimbursed.
Please, be informed that co-payments paid in a medical institution in another EU country and other expenses not included in the price of necessary healthcare service in accordance with the legislation of that country, are not compensated.
Upon receipt of the reply from the public health insurance institution of the EU country where the healthcare has been provided, the THIF will inform you about the decision regarding the reimbursement of the costs as well as the amount of reimbursement.
It should be noted that reimbursement may take time, as the amount of reimbursement will be transferred to the insured only after receiving a reply from the public health insurance institution of the EU country where the necessary healthcare was provided regarding the amount to be reimbursed. If the answer is not received within 12 months, the person’s request is forwarded to the Commission for examination, which makes a decision on reimbursement of the costs and the amount of reimbursement, taking into account the requirements approved by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania as well as the base prices valid at the time of healthcare services provision. The Commission will inform you about the decision made and the change in the method of reimbursement.