The health insurance fund may use the resources of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF) to pay for certain vaccines against the communicable diseases for children and adults. The children are vaccinated free of charge according to the schedule of preventive vaccination until the age of 14. The persons within the risk group are vaccinated free of charge against flu and pneumococcal infection. Besides, the vaccines compensated by CHIF may be prescribed for tetanus, diphtheria, measles, and rabies.

In Lithuania, the children are vaccinated free of charge according to the schedule of preventive vaccination against the following communicable diseases: tuberculosis, hepatitis B, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, Haemophilus influenza type B, poliomyelitis, measles, epidemic parotitis, rubella, pneumococcal infection, human papilloma virus, Rotavirus, and meningococcus type B. The health insurance fund pays for these vaccinations from the CHIF budget.

The child’s parents or guardians have to be informed before each vaccination about the procedure of vaccination prescription, possible adverse reactions to the vaccine, and they have to sign in the child’s case history testifying the receipt of information and consent with vaccination.

The vaccination may be avoided only in very rare cases, for example, because of severe diseases or weak immune system. However, the doctor has to notify the parents or guardians thereof. If the child is not vaccinated on time, the individual vaccination schedule is formed according to the indications provided in the summaries of characteristics of medicinal products.

If necessary (the child is bitten by some animal), the child may be vaccinated against the rabies free of charge, as well (the vaccine and immunoglobin against rabies are prescribed).

For more information, click here (in Lithuanian).

The health insurance fund compensates the vaccination against flu and pneumococcal infection of adult persons within the risk group, from the CHIF budget. Besides, when necessary, the insured persons are also vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, rabies, and measles.

Persons over 65 years old and persons, who have chronic diseases (oncologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, etc.), pregnant women, persons residing in the nursing homes and hospices, and medical employees, whose risk of infection is increased because of contact with the ill persons, are vaccinated against flu free of charge.

The persons included into the list of risk groups approved by Order No. V-1130 of the Minister of Health on 8 October 2015 , are vaccinated by pneumococcal vaccine. Such persons may be patients, to whom dialysis is performed, oncologic patients, patents with rheumatic diseases, etc.

Besides, the adults may be vaccinated free of charge against tetanus and diphtheria. Revaccination (reinforcement of previous vaccination) against these diseases is recommended every 10 years. If necessary (the adult is bitten by some animal), the adult may be vaccinated against the rabies free of charge, as well. Besides, the persons, who have had contact with the ill person, may be also vaccinated for the account of CHIF. It should be noted that the person has to get vaccinated within 72 hours after the contact with the ill person.

The patients have to refer to the general practitioner in the medical institution of their subscription for vaccination compensated by the health insurance fund.

For more information, click here (in Lithuanian).

Last updated: 27-05-2024