Orthopaedic technical devices and medical devices

Orthopaedic technical devices (OTD) and medical aids (MA) are provided to persons covered by compulsory health insurance by orthopaedic companies and economic entities that have signed contracts with the National Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health (NHIF). For these orthopaedic enterprises and economic entities, the NHIF pays the costs of production and/or adaptation of the OTD and MA and the costs of the insured persons who have purchased OTD and MA at their own expense. 

The doctor or panel of doctors must state in the insured person’s medical records that he or she has been treated with OTD or MA. The patient must also be provided with detailed information on the reimbursement procedure for OTD or MA, and a list of orthopaedic companies or operators that have concluded contracts with the NHIF.  

Last updated: 01-07-2024