When does the compulsory health insurance take effect?
Compulsory health insurance (CHI) for employed residents of Lithuania enters into force from the day on which the basis for payment of contributions arose, meaning - from the day of their employment. The CHI status is valid until the last day of the calendar month, when the contributions were paid. If the CHI contributions are not paid, the insurance will only take effect once the accumulated debt has been paid. If you fall ill or need any healthcare services while not being insured, then you will have to pay for the treatment at your own expense.
It is important to remember that contribution for the current month must be paid by the last day of that month. If you do not pay the CHI contributions on time, the CHI will expire. The insurance may also be terminated if the contributions were paid under the incorrect contribution code and/or the paid amount was less than determined amount of the CHI. In that case, the missing part of the contribution should be paid immediately. You will find all the necessary information about the payment of CHI contributions and their amount on the website of State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (Sodra) (Sodra collects and administers these contributions).
To check if you are insured by the CHI, you can:
- on-line on the website of the health insurance funds „Check whether you are covered by the compulsory health insurance” by indicating your gender and entering in the relevant box either last 4 numbers of your personal identification code or identification number of the insured (DIK);
- on-line in the section „Review of the data of the register of persons insured with the compulsory health insurance” of the electronic government services portal www.epaslaugos.lt;
- upon arrival at any territorial health insurance fund (THIF) and presentation of your identity document.