
Klaipėda territorial health insurance fund: the habits of residents are changing

The specialists of Klaipėda territorial health insurance fund (THIF) note that recently more and more residents have been ordering the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) online – the situation is different than before the quarantine. Klaipėda THIF has issued almost 4.5 thousand EHIC this half-year.

This card issued free of charge by the health insurance fund grants the necessary aid to its holder in all the Member States of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, and the Swiss Confederation.

“Klaipėda territorial health insurance fund has already issued 4.5 thousand EHIC this year. One third have been issued under online applications of the residents, while last year, only some 2 thousand cards were ordered online,” – says Salvinija Andriušienė, Manager of the Population Service Division of Klaipėda THIF.

According to her, 1521 certificates replacing temporarily EHIC have been issued since the beginning of the year. The residents have generated and downloaded them online on their own.

“It is good news, because the residents began to understand that online ordering of EHIC and their receipt by registered mail or independent generation of e-certificate are not simply more convenient, but also safe modes, especially in current situation,“ – says S. Andriušienė.

The popularity of the certificates replacing temporarily EHIC that may be ordered online independently has also grown since the new year. This electronic service that appeared only in 2020 has been getting more and more popular.

For example, in last November-December, in total 136 certificates were ordered. The situation changed in January 2021 and the number of orders was doubled – up to 233. With regard to the data of May and June, almost 700 certificates have been issued up to this day.

Klaipėda THIF reminds that if you have left temporarily to the EU, EEA Member State, the United Kingdom, or the Swiss Confederation and you have forgotten or have not had time to order EHIC, you may generate a certificate for yourself and underage family members that will replace the card temporarily. This can be done online, by logging to the website of the National Health Insurance Fund and filling in the application form.

The persons insured by compulsory health insurance in Lithuania are entitled to receive the same services for the same price as the residents of the country (EU, EEA, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland) that they are visiting. However, this right does not cover the health care services beyond the national health system that have to be paid by the patients, as well as the patient’s surcharges and transportation costs if the person has to be brought home because of accident or disease abroad.

Information of Klaipeda Territorial Health Insurance Fund

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