
Important news for the patients: new prostheses will get compensated

The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) has declared that expenses of new – myoelectric prosthesis of the forearm (below the elbow) will be compensated from the budget of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF). If necessary, they may be prescribed for adults and children, whose limb was amputated. According to the specialists, it is important and long-waited news for the patients.

The patients will not have to pay extra for new prostheses – the NHIF will pay the total price. The basic price of the compensated myoelectric prosthesis of the forearm will amount to 17, 6 thousand euro.

“Only the prostheses for limbs of good quality prescribed to the patients according to the clinically justified indications may be compensated from CHIF. The patients should be taught, how to use the prosthesis, which would result in their better social life, psychological and emotional state, and would provide a possibility to work,” – says Mr. Giedrius Baranauskas, head of the Department for Compensation of Medical Aids of the NHIF.

According to him, the myoelectric forearm’s prosthesis is controlled by the patient’s muscles, so, certain sense of naturalness appears. “Therefore, one of the preconditions for successful adjustment of the prosthesis is the patient’s motivation and written pledge to use the prosthesis in accordance with the recommendations of orthopaedist, trauma specialist,” – says Mr. G. Baranauskas.

Only the orthopaedic companies, where the orthopaedic technologist, who has the stamp number awarded by the State Accreditation Service for Health Care Activities under the Ministry of Health, and who has been trained to make and adjust this prosthesis is employed, will be able to make and adjust the myoelectric prostheses for patients.

At present, NHIF also compensates the expenses of the hip (above the knee) prostheses with hydraulic knee joint and the shin (below the knee) prostheses with the vacuum fastening system.

16,6 million euro were assigned for compensations of orthopaedic aids in the CHIF budget for 2021 m.

The NHIF invites you:

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